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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
SoK [GMT +1] 10/8/2023 9:53 AM

📕 General Rules

TL;DR Be nice and adequate 'Ignorantia juris non excusat'
  • Not knowing the rules doesn't mean you don't have to follow them
Inherits from: Discord's ToS, Guidelines

I. Be kind to each other

We want to create a friendly and welcoming environment for our community members, so it's important for everyone to respect each other and avoid unacceptable behavior. This includes but not limited to:
  • Insulting, trolling, fighting or flaming;
  • Divisive topics like politics or religion;
  • Being annoying;

II. Keep in mind the list of common disallowed things

No hate speech, no adult content or topics, and no spam. "Spam" includes excessively large, numerous, meaningless or otherwise distracting, such as dumping memes/images/gifs not in the intended channel. We have only two "spammy" channels right now: ⁠#bot-cmds and ⁠#memes Self-promoting and advertisements are also disallowed. Note that it's allowed to link other Discord server or any resource if it makes sense in current context. Also note that it's possible to slightly violate these rules if you're sure that it better corresponds to the main idea of being nice and adequate. An example of it could be a message which could be considered offensive in other context, but which surely would be considered as joke at the moment. Make sure that nobody will take it to heart; moderators reserve the right to determine whether it was offensive or not.

III. Follow the channel/thread topic

If you were discussing modding stuff in ⁠modding, but after a while switched to talking about the meaning of life, please also switch the channel to ⁠general or whatnot corresponding. You can also create a thread. This also applies to special channels like ⁠report-bugs-archive or ⁠feature-suggestions-archive. We want to keep these channels clean as much as possible and separate discussions from topics there.

IV. Speak English

English is the most preferable language here. It's a global language most of the world can speak in, so use it. Speaking non-English is considered as spam. But if, for example, you were explaining any cool features of your language, it's fine (as long as it fits channel topic, see III).
❤️ 170
👌 95
bs_logo 137
eric_smile 58
spaz_ok 74
Cff_Swag 15
kinggoat 57
emoji_19 56
eric_grimacing 54
dviperJAMMER 61
skin_pixel 40
sad 44
eric_handsup 43
unamused 44
👍 47
bombstory_oscar 39
skin_b9000 48
skin_mel 37
pepe_scared 32
surprised_worm 28
Exported 1 message(s)
Timezone: UTC-6